The Way Of The Exploding Fist
It was 1985 when The Way Of The Exploding Fist was unleashed upon the world and it took it by storm. More than 500,000 copies sold in Europe alone and universal praise by all specialist press of the era.
Now, in cooperation with SpecNext Ltd, W.A.S.PSTUDIO is bringing this iconic martial arts game back with an “extra kick”!
Based on the never-released Amiga version graphics by Steven Day, streamlined and enhanced for the ZX Spectrum Next, this game is sure to demonstrate that the Next is indeed an Amiga Killer!
Last but not least there’s a full 9-channel in-game soundtrack by Richard Braithwaite with digital sfx by Phoebus Dokos and Lyndon Sharp paired with studio-recorded title/intro arrangements by Constantine Mihalos.
The Way Of The Exploding Fist is a FREE download to all backers of the first ZX Spectrum Next Kickstarter (one copy per registered KS1 email)
Presale for digital and physical copies with initial release set for 18 Novemeber 2023 during the Crash Live! 2023 event (Update: Shipping for all locations will commence Dec. 1st) is open now.

Dreamworld Pogie
Originally set to be released in late 1992 for the NES, Dreamworld Pogie being the first game in the Dizzy series that didn’t feature Dizzy but instead his pet fluffle Pogie. Several scheduling conflicts later and the eventual departure of the Oliver Twins from Codemasters put this superb platformer into the back of Andrew and Philip‘s drawer… only to be rediscovered in 2010 and a renewed effort to release it came underway.
Enter 2016 when it was finall released for the NES which coincided with the ZX Spectrum Next’s announcement and Philip and Andrew thought they could get it adapted for the new machine as well.
Their good friend Lyndon recruited, Pogie went through different incarnations on the Next, ending up being significantly enhanced over the NES version, including Rosie as a 2nd player character, updated graphics by Phoebus Dokos and a thumping soundtrack by Lyndon.
Like The Way Of The Exploding Fist, Dreanworld Pogie is also a FREE download to all backers of the first ZX Spectrum Next Kickstarter (one copy per registered KS1 email).

Target; Renegade
Alongside The Way Of The Exploding Fist, SpecNext Ltd secured the rights for another 1980s iconic beat’em up, the sequel to classic Renegade coin-op: Target; Renegade.
W.A.S.PSTUDIO was once again, called in to tackle this challenge which we happily accepted!
Colourful, enhanced graphics by Kayashii Furio and coded by Marco Varesio, Target; Renegade is expected to hit your screens around Q2/2024
Our Team

lead Developer & AUDIO
Lyndon Sharp
When your start takes you to the cover of Crash magazine, the logical step is Codemasters and the Dizzy franchise!
Author of Zanthrax, Captain Dynamo and Kwik-Snax, he’s carrying a few “Crash Smashes” in his belt. Upon release of the ZX Spectrum Next, he returned to the 8-bit fold and re-activated W.A.S.P and here we are!

Phoebus Dokos
He got his start in gaming as a localisation engineer for the Greek Electronic Arts representative but soon graduated to graphics and design for everything from games to record covers.
Programming business systems wouldn’t cut it so he went back to basics with the ZX Spectrum Next games and W.A.S.P!

Marco Varesio
Marco’s love of The Ramones is only rivaled by his affinity for Sinclair hardware and 8-bit computers!
A veteran of several games for the ZX81. the original Speccy and CHIP-8 VM, he has also written for the ZX Spectrum Next porting a couple of classics in the process and is the chief porter of Target; Renegade!

Developer & DESIGN & AUDIO
Lampros Potamianos
Z80 & MC68K hacker, musician, game designer, 3D visualiser; Is there anything Lampros cannot do?
Author of the very first complete ZX Spectrum Next game, he has written everything from Arkanoid-type, puzzlers, massive arcade adventures and turn-based tower defence games!

Kayashii Furio
Hailing from Nakano in Japan, Kayashii-san has been prodding pixels since he first saw a flickering CRT screen in his kindergarten dojo!
A certified Speccy fan with a huge love for converting and modernising original attribute game graphics as well as creating new ones!

Constantine Mihalos
A celebrated performer even prior to finishing his programming course and switching to graphic design, Constantine was soon entirely won over by music.
Several albums and hundreds of musical arrangements later, he’s back to the “scene of the crime” with purposely made music for WASP games on the Next!